How to Integrate your Google Calendar with your Careerlister Calendar.

To integrate your Google Calendar with your Careerlister Calendar you will need your Google Calendar ID.   The document below will explain how to find your Google Calendar ID, How to ensure your calendar is shared properly and How to add your Google Calendar ID to your Careerlister Calendar (In Admin > Company > Settings).

How to find your Google Calendar ID

  1. Sign into your Google Account and go to your Calendar - Click the "waffle" to bring up the Apps list.
  2. Click the Calendar option
  3. Optionally create a new Calendar for this
  4. In the list of "My calendars" on the left, hover over the calendar you wish to use then click the icon indicating more options "3 dots".
  5. Click "Settings and sharing" from the submenu
  6. Scroll down the next page and find the "Calendar ID"
  7. Copy the Calendar ID to your computer's clipboard (Control C / Command C)
  8. Enable your Calendar is Public - find the section named "Access permissions" section
  9. Ensure "Make available to public" is checked.   Click "OK" to accept.
  10. Your calendar is now set to integrate to CL
  11. Log into your Careerlister's Master / Admin user's account
  12. Go to Admin > Company > Settings (
  13. Paste (or enter in) the Google Calendar ID copied in step 7.

  14. Click Save.
  15. Test out your calendar by adding a new calendar item in the Google calendar.   Then go to CL and view the item in the CL calendar.   If the item is missing please review the steps above to ensure each step has the correct information.