Navigate to Job Openings.
Click "+ Job Opening" in the secondary menu. The New Opening page will display.
- Enter Job Opening info
- enter a Title
- select the supported Job Site you are posting to from the Job Site drop down. (if the job site you are working with isn't listed please see the alternative methods below.)
- optionally mark this job opening as coming from a Database for reporting
- optionally mark this job opening as "add to listing" on your Job Opening listings
- optionally enter the Posting - advised if you are listing your job opening on CL's job listing solution
- optionally enter a description.
Click Save The Edit Job Posting page will display.
- To start the job posting click "Start Opening" Careerlister will generate a unique email address to use with your supported job site.
- Use the email address CL generates by placing it into the settings section of the job site's job posting 'where to send job replies to' section. Each job site may differ but the concept is that you want your job site / posting replies to be sent to that CL email generated.
To create a Job Opening for Craigslist and similar services:
Navigate to Job Openings.
Click "+ Job Opening" in the secondary menu. The New Opening page will display.
- Enter Job Opening info
- enter a Title
- select "Basic" from the job site drop down.
- optionally mark this job opening as coming from a Database for reporting
- optionally mark this job opening as "add to listing" on your Job Opening listings
- optionally enter the Posting - advised if you are listing your job opening on CL's job listing solution
- optionally enter a description.
- Click Save The Edit Job Posting page will display.
- Copy the "Applicant Entry Form" URL.
- Use the "Applicant Entry Form" URL in the body of your craigslist job ad.
- Optionally you can add HTML to your Craigslist ad.
- In the following example replace APPLICANT ENTRY FORM URL in the first line with the correct "Applicant Entry Form" URL copied in #8.
<a href="APPLICANT ENTRY FORM URL" style="cursor:pointer;" > <img src="https://copy.com/rJxlnWQ6sq9CXTsy" style="height:50px;" /> </a>
To create a Job Opening for a non-supported Job Site: **This approach is currently less accurate at parsing data from resumes and emails. Supported and the above job site solution is highly recommended instead.
Navigate to Job Openings.
Click "+ Job Opening" in the secondary menu. The New Opening page will display.
- Enter Job Opening info
- enter a Title
- select "Multiple Job Sites" Job Site drop down.
- optionally mark this job opening as coming from a Database for reporting
- optionally mark this job opening as "add to listing" on your Job Opening listings
- optionally enter the Posting - advised if you are listing your job opening on CL's job listing solution
- optionally enter a description.
- Click Save The Edit Job Posting page will display.
- To start the job posting click "Start Opening" Careerlister will generate a unique email address to use with your supported job site.
- Use the email address CL generates by placing it into the settings section of the job site's job posting 'where to send job replies to' section. Each job site may differ but the concept is that you want your job site / posting replies to be sent to that CL email generated.